Saturday, November 28, 2009

Greetings from the Younger Knapps

This picture was taken on the first Sunday of Tanner's life. We brought home these shirts from the birthing center with Tanner's footprints on them as a present for the girls. They thought it was pretty neat. He sure is a handsome young man--even if we say so ourselves.
This is a four generation picture of 4 Knapp men--this is a rare occasion!! We took this Thanksgiving day in Idaho Falls. It was fun sharing Thanksgiving with the family and some of the extended family.
We love you all and hope that you have enjoyed our first official post---the younger Knapps

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our very own muppet!

Hi all! Mom and Dad--I love that you are using this blog! It's so fun to just jump on and see what everyone is up to--maybe eventually everyone will get into it! This was my first official Sunday on my own with Kelly in the bishopric. I must say that I believe in miracles! We made it through the day with all 4 kids surviving and I came through with all of my hair!
Speaking of hair...I was looking at Tessa today at church and in the picture and have decided that she reminds me a bit (well at least her hair) reminds me of a muppet. It is pure fuzz and all mullett...Kelly is so proud :)
But she is super cute and definately belongs to me--full of SASS! I just love her though...she is so cuddly and so funny! It is amazing to me to watch all of my kids grow up and to see how different they are. Mackenna is the "boss", Carter is the "pleaser"--Christopher is the funny one, and Tess rounds it all's funny how it all fits together (unlike my jeans still...arghhh)--
I wish we were coming for Thanksgiving! It would be so fun to visit and EAT with all of you...but I feel like you do Dad...I'm so grateful for my family--for all of you--my siblings--and especially for our parents. I feel so blessed to come to a family that has the gospel and parents that live it...that is one of the greatest blessings anyone could ask for! Love you points or calories this week, right?

Snowy Sunday in Idaho

It has been snowing today in Idaho. Just a few days to go before we celebrate our Thanksgiving feast. We have so much to be thankful for: the list could go on forever, but just so you know--our biggest blessing is to have such a wonderful family all heading in the same direction. We all hit the bumps and slip up once in a while, but isn't that what life is all about. We are so proud of all of you. Thank you for giving us such a great posterity (we have the cutest grandkids in the world!!!). Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Love, MOM and DAD

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh Carter...

So the good news is that on Saturday Carter FINALLY learned how to ride his bike! We were getting concerned because all of his buddies that are younger have already learned and are now doing tricks--but it only took one turn of Kelly holding on to the seat and he was off...and has been wanting to be on it constantly ever since! It's just sad to me that his bike is now too small
for him since we bought it 3 years ago...that was the year that Kip was still a kitten and the kids were more excited about him on Christmas than they were for presents.
Anyways, when Kelly announced that this was the day for Carter to learn to ride his bike, I thought we would be in for some major injuries and some serious crying (Carter is in a hyper-sensitive phase right now). Butt, he did great! And then as we were bringing all the bikes in to the garage and were ready to call it a day, Christopher accidentally slammed Carter's pinky in the door and broke it. It was so nasty and you all know how well I do with blood and torn skin. Needless to say I was woozy--luckily Kelly was there to take control. It's just a small fracture and he is wearing a splint on it--but he loves to wave it around until people ask him what happened. He's so funny! The other night he told Kelly he was so excited for Thanksgiving dinner...Kelly said "for the turkey and mashed potatoes"....and Carter said, "and the stuffing"...which Carter has never tried because it looks "disgusting". Kelly said, "Oh, do you like stuffing now?" and Carter said, "No"--maybe you had to be there but it was funny to me. Hey--I didn't say it was an interesting story.....(deep thoughts) More to post soon....and yes, I know you are all laughing your heads off that I am the new Stake YW Camp director....laugh it up and then read Alma 41:15...ha, ha, ha!

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Officially a Mom

Hi Family,
I just thought I'd share a few thoughts about how life has been since bringing Hyrum home. Before this past week I hadn't really started to feel like a mom yet. I only saw Hyrum a few hours each day (if that) and it hadn't really sunk in yet. But, since he's been home he's done a lot of things to help me feel like a mom and I love it! For example, in less than a week I've been peed on, pooped on, and spit up on. I've been woken up for nightly feedings and learned how to calm a fussy baby. The best part is that I get to hold him when I want, for however long I want. I just sit there sometimes and stare at him. He is such a beautiful baby and I am more and more crazy about him every day! So, here's to a new stage of life. I'm sure I still have no clue what I'm really getting into, but I'm loving it so far!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dad and Mom in Springville

Hey we just spent 2 awesome days in Springville with Meservys. Of course we love Dan and Laurie, but Hyrum was our favorite. He is so cute and so mellow and he loved it when we gave him a bath. We loved the fun treats that Laurie made, cookies, dog ears, ice-cream, brownies, skittles and tonight Laurie is letting us choose between pumpkin roll and banana cream pie. Of course there are no calories and no points and it is awesome. We aren't sure we will go back to Idaho!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hey Guys! I thought I'd finally post something since everyone else has been up on things except for me. Life in Provo is going fantastically well. BYU is awesome. I'm loving my job, my school, my roommates, and my dating/social life is pretty rockin' awesome. It's kinda funny to read this blog about everyone's lives and see how we're all in such different stages. Here I am worrying about what to wear, say, or do, to impress a girl or something, and all you guys are worried about your kids or spouses. I just find that amusing. Hopefully one day I'll eventually join y'all in that stage....we'll see when it happens I guess. Anyway, this is short and sweet, but for my first ever blog post, what can you expect? I just wanted to let everyone know I'm well, and that I love you all soooooooo much!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bah-Humbug....or not....

I am happy to hear that Hyrum is doing well and is hopefully heading home soon! I was at the grocery store the other day and couldn't believe that we hadn't even celebrated Halloween yet and they had already pushed the costumes and masks to the side and moved Christmas stuff front and center. I'll be honest--I think living in Arizona has something to do with it--but I am feeling a little like Scrooge this year. Christmas in Arizona doesn't feel like Christmas to's probably a weather/palm tree thing. Anyways, ever since that trip to the grocery store (and yes, was Frys)--I just haven't wanted to deal with Christmas...specifically Tessa and a Christmas tree. I've been thinking alot about it since then and have been trying to find a way to draw closer to Christ and focus more on the reason we celebrate. Do any of you remember a few years ago when we read Moroni chapter 7 every day for a month and then wrote our thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a little journal? I was wondering if any of you would like to join me on this for the month of you may be thinking--it's December and I'm already busy and don't have room in my schedule for something like this....let's make room for something like this. Maybe you have something else you are trying--but I know that this year I need help feeling the true Spirit of Christmas--so...let me know if you are in and we can encourage each other! Just think of how awesome it would be if we all tried to be more charitable (that's certainly not my strong point)....we could do more "merrying" instead of "ho ho ho-ing"--get it? Anyways--love you all--hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall weather!