Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Saying Hi......Hi!

Just wanted to say and let you know what we have been up to lately. Not much really, but we had a fun three day weekend this past weekend. It is always more fun when Scott is around. We took the kids sleigh riding, and did a bit of bowling. It was kind of slushy snow so we didn't go too fast, butt I didn't mind. We spend a lot of the day on Monday with Scott's parents. His parents are having some health problems, and frankly it is sad to watch them get old - they are so awesome. I hope my kids can build a few memories with them while they can - Bryson asked as we were going whether Grandma would know who he was. She seemed to this time - so that is good news. The kids are getting anxious for good weather to show up. I have to remind them that it might be a ways off. We are on an official count down to Trey's Birthday and all he officially wants is "boy stuff." Bry and Dal are playing basketball now, and have games on Saturdays. They are fun to watch for different reasons, Bry's team actually knows how to play and Dal's doesn't so both are fun. Hope you all are swell and know we are thinking of you!


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