So the good news is that on Saturday Carter FINALLY learned how to ride his bike! We were getting concerned because all of his buddies that are younger have already learned and are now doing tricks--but it only took one turn of Kelly holding on to the seat and he was off...and has been wanting to be on it constantly ever since! It's just sad to me that his bike is now too small

for him since we bought it 3 years ago...that was the year that Kip was still a kitten and the kids were more excited about him on Christmas than they were for presents.
Anyways, when Kelly announced that this was the day for Carter to learn to ride his bike, I thought we would be in for some major injuries and some serious crying (Carter is in a hyper-sensitive phase right now). Butt, he did great! And then as we were bringing all the bikes in to the garage and were ready to call it a day, Christopher accidentally slammed Carter's pinky in the door and broke it. It was so nasty and you all know how well I do with blood and torn skin. Needless to say I was woozy--luckily Kelly was there to take control. It's just a small fracture and he is wearing a splint on it--but he loves to wave it around until people ask him what happened. He's so funny! The other night he told Kelly he was so excited for Thanksgiving dinner...Kelly said "for the turkey and mashed potatoes"....and Carter said, "and the stuffing"...which Carter has never tried because it looks "disgusting". Kelly said, "Oh, do you like stuffing now?" and Carter said, "No"--maybe you had to be there but it was funny to me. Hey--I didn't say it was an interesting story.....(deep thoughts) More to post soon....and yes, I know you are all laughing your heads off that I am the new Stake YW Camp director....laugh it up and then read Alma 41:15...ha, ha, ha!