Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Officially a Mom

Hi Family,
I just thought I'd share a few thoughts about how life has been since bringing Hyrum home. Before this past week I hadn't really started to feel like a mom yet. I only saw Hyrum a few hours each day (if that) and it hadn't really sunk in yet. But, since he's been home he's done a lot of things to help me feel like a mom and I love it! For example, in less than a week I've been peed on, pooped on, and spit up on. I've been woken up for nightly feedings and learned how to calm a fussy baby. The best part is that I get to hold him when I want, for however long I want. I just sit there sometimes and stare at him. He is such a beautiful baby and I am more and more crazy about him every day! So, here's to a new stage of life. I'm sure I still have no clue what I'm really getting into, but I'm loving it so far!


  1. Yes, you are a mom, Laurie and I might add you are a great cook too. That banana cream pie was "to die for"--keep up the good work. I have showed pictures of Hyrum to all of the people at work and they are amazed at how healthy and strong he is for a kid who had a rough start! It just keeps getting better!

  2. Well, if any of us had a clue about what we were getting in to, we'd never do it! Here's to a new adventure! Your life will never be the same....and you'll never want to go back to how it used to be! For all the poop and spit up, there are the smiles and hugs and high fives, and those times when it really is worth it! Congrats Laurie!
