Thursday, December 24, 2009

All aboard......and God bless us all--every one!

Merry Christmas to you all! I am trying hard to convince myself that it really is Christmas--since the kids and I picked oranges this morning--and both boys were in t-shirts and shorts! But--we decided that since we would not be traveling this year for Christmas, that we would take the kids to Williams, Arizona and take a ride on the Polar Express.

I was afraid there wouldn't be snow--but lucky for us, there was plenty! And I think the kids enjoyed that more than the actual train ride. They kept eating it--I hope it wasn't yellow :)
On the train they gave us cookies and hot cocoa and then read the story of The Polar Express before we got to the "North Pole"--it was magical if I dare say. Santa boarded the train and gave each child a jingle bell--which I had to tuck away before we got back to the hotel. Jingle Bells has never sounded so hellish....3 bells clanging away--and of course, Kelly is teasing the kids saying he thinks their bells are broken--so they try to shake them even harder. Talk about a perma-headache...but it was fun and I enjoyed getting away--even if it was for just one night.
I hope you all enjoy Christmas and know that we are thinking of you...and cheeseballs! I made empanadas yesterday and it made me feel nostalgic...thinking of the Christmas's we've had at home (you may want to grab a tissue)--and it really made me homesick and I miss you all. Christmas has always been a favorite time of year for me--and that is mostly because of you all--the memories are fun and I love telling my kids stories of home. I wish you all the best and love you all! Merry Christmas! I hope you all take some time in the next two days to think of Katie dancing to "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"--and think of her saying, "And God bless us all--every one..." Then...and only then...will Christmas be truly complete! By the way--after reading Amy's post, is anyone else nervous about Trey???

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