Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Bite!

Dear Fam,
Just thinking about you all and hoping you are having a good Christmas season. Last night we took the kids to visit an old widow in the ward - and it reminded me of Wyatts, Jane and Jerry, and all the visits Mom and Dad took us on as kids. That was as much a part of Christmas as opening gifts. I wonder how all those old friends are doing.
On Saturday we went swimming at the Legacy Center - we figured it would be pretty empty and it was - we had a great time. All except for Jace - who clung to Scott or I for dear life and cried about half the time.
I wanted to give you all a chuckle (courtesy of Trey). Sadie was holding our cat Giselle, and Trey leaned over to the cat, and in a menacing voice - he saide "Giselle, you are Jesus's prisoner" I think he gets these things from Scott's side!!!!
Mom - I am going to use your orange drink recipe that you posted for Christmas Eve - should be yummy. Anyways, Love you all and hope it is a Merry Christmas!! Love Amos

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