Sunday, December 6, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

We are so glad that we drove to Idaho yesterday after Hyrum's blessing, which was great. It has snowed most of the day today and it is nice to be inside by the fireplace! It has been cold enough outside to make it slick on the roads and that makes it nerve-racking to drive, but then you all remember how that goes in Idaho!

We have so much going on with faculty parties, work parties, Branch parties, Grandpa Knapp's party, that we are trying to find a time to put up our Christmas tree! The snow makes it more like the holidays, but the Christmas tree really brings the Christmas spirit.

Here is a "tip": (no cream cheese--sorry Krista)

To make your home smell nice and have a great hot drink just try this recipe:

Spicy Orange Drink
Bring to a boil 1 gallon water and 2 1/2 cups sugar
1 12 oz. can orange juice
1/2 cup lemon juice or 2 lemons juiced
1 T whole cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
Simmer and enjoy!

Put in crock pot for a sweet smelling house and to have all day long!

This week will bring lots of activites for us all. Good luck Darin as you finish up your classes at BYU. Janie will still be moving things around at the new house. I hope you are all baking and making fun Christmas goodies.

Happy Birthday to Brielle and Christopher this week! We sure love you all!

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