Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Sunday after Christmas

Boy, has the time flown by. We can't believe that Christmas is over and the new year is just around the corner. The question is --do we say twenty ten or 2 thousand 10? Guess you can say it how you want it is the same year right? This next year thanks to the raving reviews for our first published book, we are thinking about becoming authors and publishers. Seriously, it was a really fun project and we loved doing it mostly because it was all about each of you.

Anyway, we had a great time with Laurie, Dan, Hyrum and Darin for Christmas. Laurie looks way good already, and Dan was really lots of fun with the games and of course answered all of our computer questions. We got to hold Hyrum much more that he is used to. He is such a cutie and so calm!! We hope we spoiled him good.

We are still trying to decide if we like Darin's whiskers. He looks a lot different with a dark shadow. It is funny how no matter what we were doing, eating, playing a game, or watching a movie, if his cell phone rang and it was a certain track star from Spanish Fork, he ditched us! Go figure---

We played lots of games, watched movies and ate, ate, ate. Dennetts spent some time with us Christmas eve and the day after Christmas. Grandpa and Jo came for Christmas dinner, Jo brought deviled eggs and seemed to really try and be interested in all of us. Grandpa is really slowing down. It makes you wonder how many more Christmases he will be here with us. It was a "lovely" dinner with some of the best food of the year made by Darin and MOM. Have you all had your fill of toffee, chocolate, etc.? It seems so easy to gain a few extra ounces this time of year.

Saturday we got up and dropped Hyrum off at Jo's then we headed to the Temple to do some family sealings. It was awesome to think of how long some of these people had been waiting for this great blessing. Most of them were born in the 1700's. There were sure a lot of Mary Knapps.

We will be heading out tomorrow for Utah to be at Tanner's blessing. It will be so much fun to see some of you for this special time for Doug and Mary. Speaking of blessings, we have so many. You all are the best ones we have. The Lord really has been good to us this year as always. We wish you a great New Year and hope that we will get to spend much time together.

Con mucho amor-
Los viejos

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