Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Time - Oh Sweet Joy.......

I think it is finally starting to come - the Christmas Spirit I mean. But not in the ways I thought. I have been thinking a bit about how fast time is going, especially as I watch the kiddos grow way too fast. And mostly, I am just grateful for my fam. And that includes all of you!!! Also - do you not just love the sweet food! I made my first batch of toffee for the year and most of it is now conveniently located on my hips, but in hind sight (pause for laughs) it was worth it. Hope you all are swell and doing the fun little things that make it Christmas. Love Amos (Do you not love the classic almost crusty Jace is dishing here?


  1. That totally made me want some of your toffee, butt, I guess I'll have to wait!

  2. It made you want her toffee butt?????
